David Bendes

Product | Platform | Data | Strategy

Building innovative experiences and the technology that powers them.

About Me

I have 10+ years of experience leading product, data, and business strategy and execution at early stage, growth, and global scaled organizations across industries to deliver business-defining products. I'm passionate about creating innovative customer experiences and the technology that powers them. I'm a builder at heart.

Currently, I'm working to build the next generation technology platform at the NBA. Previously, I was on the executive team and led global business technology, data, and subscription operations at Birchbox, a pioneer in personalized subscriptions and ecommerce. Over 6+ years there, I built teams, products, and operational systems to deliver a full-stack personalized experience to millions of customers. I began my career in strategy, business operations, and venture analysis in early-stage music technology startups.

I received my MBA from Columbia Business School and hold a BA from the University of Rochester, where I studied Economics, Computer Science, and Music and was a Kauffman Entrepreneurial Fellow.

I'm extremely passionate about music education and technical literacy. I serve on the New York Area Advisory Board and the Digital Committee of music education charity Music Will, am an active technical advisor to early-stage startups, and lecture in basic programming skills and technical literacy for entrepreneurs.